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SSL and 3D Secure NOTICE

Shopping security in B-Juice is provided by 256 bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Protocol and an online payment system supported by 3DSecure. You can examine the SSL certificate by clicking the lock icon in the address bar of the page where you enter your credit card information and the internet address changes from http to https. Thanks to the SSL Protocol, which is an industry standard in systems that are carried out electronically and where secure flow of information is required, your credit card information you enter while shoppingis encrypted independently from and transmitted securely to the Virtual POS system of the bank where provision will be obtained. In addition, SSL Protocol proves that you are not on a fake version of the site you want to be, and that you are really on the right site.

What is 3D Secure?

It is a system developed to increase the security of online shopping with credit and debit cards. With these “secure virtual shopping” solutions developed by Visa and MasterCard, both cardholders and member businesses are secured against fraud. Online shopping from virtual businesses with Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode logos are under the guarantee of Visa and MasterCard.

Why Is 3D Secure Safe?

In the 3D Secure system, during the virtual payment transaction, the bank asks the cardholder for a payment password known only to him and the identity of the cardholder is verified. Unauthorized persons are prevented from using their cards on the internet.

How Does 3D Secure Work?

The cardholder registers his card to his bank via internet banking. It defines a password and a security question-answer linked to the card. The cardholder makes his shopping in the virtual workplace compatible with the system and proceeds to the payment section. A pop-up screen is opened by the bank asking the transaction password and personal security message in front of the cardholder. The cardholder continues the process by entering his password. When the password is verified by the bank, the transaction is completed. Important Note: Do not write your credit card information in any form of communication on the internet (e-mails, instant messaging services, customer relations contact forms, etc.), except for order payment pages secured with an SSL certificate. not, it is played mostly in physical environments in daily use. Remember, all information about your credit card is written on your card.

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